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Keyword:  electrostatic spray gun, liquid electrostatic spray gun ,automatic electrostatic spray gun, manual electrostatic spray gun, paint spray gun, water spray gun, liquid coating system,  electrostatic spray coating machine


Contact person: Ms Croesus

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QQ: 1550167687

Factory: No,55 Xinghe Road. Xiabian industrial. Chanan town. dongguan China


Robotic electrostatic spray system for electric cooker for furniture products spraying

ectric cooker for furniture products spraying by the HDA -60 Air turbine bell electrostatic spray gun

aomization  centrifugal force ofturbine motor  driving form  air bearing turbine 
Bell dimension Φ20mm, Φ30mm, Φ50mm, Φ65mm spray width  100-500mm
Max output voltage DC-20-80KV max output current  300ua
Max flow rate 500cc/min Max speed  70000rpm/min ( un-load
Max air consumption 1.0Nm3/min length  600mm reciprocation machine
Weigh 5.5kgs electrostatic controller  HAD-201
Installation method  Fixed, reciprocation machine ro coating robot

Roatry bell generally has three installation methods: fixed, reciprocation machine, robot, paintfrom the center to the high speed rotating bell head, bell head is charged and 80KV high voltage transmission to the paint, when the paint touches the bell head. is charged with high voltage negativ charge, because thsescharges reple each other, when the paint leaves the bell head, paint particles it's split by the charge into smaller and nore uniform particles until the surface thnsion of the coating is balanced with the charge repulsion